Confidential Disclosure Agreement Tlumaczenie

“The point of a confidentiality agreement was to keep it confidential,” he said. The union had received the same data before, but as part of a confidentiality agreement. A week later, when it wasn`t the first time he talked about the confidentiality agreement. Take a look at`s French-Japanese dictionary. And in fact, it showed much more than the confidentiality of consent. The privacy statement must be signed before watching the video. Ask them to sign a confidentiality agreement before you reveal your idea. He is also expected to reach an out-of-court settlement with a confidentiality agreement in 2000, he said. However, pornography involving minors is not covered by the confidentiality statement. These phrases come from external sources and may not be correct. is not responsible for their content. With her current work, she did not have to sign a confidentiality agreement.

However, the firefighters said the agency asked them to sign the confidentiality statement before returning the tape. For a year, it continued that way, we had to sign confidentiality authorizations. The project manager was informed and signed a confidentiality agreement. The confidentiality agreement prevents him from saying that he made an offer. Some of the crew, including myself, sign confidentiality agreements. People in the industry said that no one was invited to sign confidentiality agreements. “I didn`t want to give them anything, including the confidentiality authorization.” Maybe she should force her lovers to sign confidentiality. “The whole purpose of the confidentiality authorization was to keep it confidential,” he said. And those who are connected to the video must sign confidentiality consents. The terms of the agreement are protected by a confidentiality agreement.

She asked not to be cited on the basis of a confidentiality agreement. Family members say at least some of them have signed confidentiality agreements. The case has been dealt with extrajudicially and is covered by the confidentiality agreement. I just want to ask you to sign a confidentiality agreement. Note: Translations of other examples have not been verified by our teachers – they may contain errors. Other examples are automatically adapted to passwords – we don`t guarantee their accuracy. Translations of additional sentence examples are also generated by the automated module and are not verified by our teachers. You should make it available, even if you have to sign a confidentiality agreement.

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