Agreements Expressly Declared Void under the Indian Contract Act 1872

The Indian Contract Act 1872 is the law that governs contracts in India. It lists out various types of agreements, which can be enforced by law. However, there are certain agreements that are expressly declared void under the Indian Contract Act 1872. This means that these agreements are not valid in the eyes of the law, and their enforcement is not possible.

Here are some of the agreements that are expressly declared void:

1. Agreements without consideration:

An agreement without consideration is not enforceable under the Indian Contract Act 1872. Consideration refers to the value exchanged between the parties in a contract. If one party promises to do something, and in return, the other party promises nothing, then the contract is not valid.

2. Agreements with unlawful consideration or objects:

An agreement with an unlawful consideration or object is not enforceable. For example, if two parties enter into a contract where one party promises to commit a crime in exchange for money, the contract is not valid.

3. Agreements with a minor:

An agreement with a minor, i.e., someone below the age of 18 years, is not enforceable. This is because minors are not considered legally competent to enter into a contract.

4. Agreements based on mutual mistake:

If both parties enter into an agreement based on mutual mistake, the contract is not enforceable. For example, if two parties enter into a contract to sell a house, but later realize that the house was not owned by the seller, the contract becomes void.

5. Agreements with impossibility of performance:

If the performance of an agreement is impossible, the agreement becomes void. For example, if two parties enter into a contract to deliver goods, but the goods are destroyed before delivery, the contract becomes void.

In conclusion, it is essential to understand the types of agreements that are expressly declared void under the Indian Contract Act 1872. This will help in avoiding legal disputes and ensuring that contracts are valid and enforceable. As a professional, it is crucial to use relevant keywords and phrases while writing articles on legal topics to ensure that they rank high on search engines and reach the target audience.

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