City Of Hamilton Cupe 5167 Collective Agreement

In 2003, Local launched a successful campaign to end the privatization of Wentworth Lodge. The lodge`s local council had teamed up with the local to roll back the city`s recommendation to privatize it. In four weeks, the Local has collected more than 8,500 signatures for a petition to end privatization. CUPE Local 5167 supported all NDP candidates in Hamilton. On October 16, they will have an event in the lobby to meet with NDP candidates before the election on October 21. Meet and Greet is open to all CUPE residents in Hamilton. Please email Barry Conway – – if you want to participate in training or Meet and Greet. In the end, the confusion, investigation and dismissals were devastating. For many years, the native mourned the layoffs and demanded the reinstatement of the workers. Finally, most of the laid-off workers got their jobs in mid-2015.

But it was a long process of conciliation, which involved years of hearings. Following defamatory comments by city councillors and the media, a second phase of the damages actions was also initiated. The executive of 5167 local met with the other four citizens` unions to try to come before the vote and work together on the best solution. But those talks quickly failed. At first, Local 5167 operated as two separate premises and had two offices. After a year, however, members voted in favour of the meeting as a cohesive group. In January 2001, CUPE Local 9858 also joined Local 5167. CupE Locals 1006, 1220 and 3488 (DARTS) voted for membership a few years later. The city had begun to use a new asphalt recycling machine.

The new machine took old asphalt from the streets and turned it into new materials that could be used to repair roads instead of using new asphalt. But workers soon realized that this recycled material was not working as well as the new asphalt. Subsequently, the crews were regularly sent to purchase new bitumen from the plant. The 5167 Political Action Committee purchased hats, scarves and gloves for Hamilton residents living homeless. #housingisahumanright #itsgettingcoldoutside❄️ #canyouimaginelivingoutside #everybitmatters Acouda stopped to stay hello! #cupeproud #cupeswag The first 5 members who send a 5167 scarf by email!! From 5:30 p.m. to 7:.m p.m., we will meet and give these groups the opportunity to talk to people from all over Hamilton who are tired of the Ford government engaging in all areas of our city and province. When the local 5167 grew, it passed its offices on Hunter Street. In 2007, the local executive began purchasing its own office building. Three years later, she purchased a former car dealership at 818 King Street East in Hamilton and began major renovations.

The Local moved into its new office in June 2010.

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